Monday Money #7 Holidays & Mindful Living
What a week, a fun filled week where I got much quality time with my beautiful boys. Alas also an expensive week!
We headed to Penzance for four days, we had free accommodation, and cheaper petrol by taking the Toyota hybrid. So, I did save a chunk of money. But we in no means scrimped when there. Adding everything up we spent around £300 on amazing things like boat trips, surfer jumpers, pirate memorabilia, beautiful food, ice-creams, a crystal and a purple crab for me. And did we have a good time, indeed, we had a lovely time. It was 100% worth it.
Hybrid Fuel vs. Diesel
We changed our guzzling bad for the environment diesel S-Max to a hybrid CHR in March. A trip to Penzance normally sets us back around £140 in diesel for the 640 miles there and back plus getting around when we are there. The same fuel bill was £100 using the hybrid car. Slight naughty admission but the car is MUCH more efficient when you drive it at around 65 MPH and I went a bit faster. But we did the journey in an average of 48 miles per gallon. The S-Max performed at around 29 MPG. So, we saved money and was much kinder to the environment.
The prices in Cornwall
I always struggle to get over how much cheaper things are in Penzance. A huge ice-cream with a dollop of clotted cream and a flake was £2.50. Lovely surfer hoodies were £20 each, and the nice man in the shop gave us a 10% discount for being local😉 I was local until 1995. The entrance to the beautiful jubilee swimming pool was £13 for four of us. The one thing that cost a small fortune was parking. I think we spent around £20 over the three days parking at beaches and at Penzance. Even the petrol is cheaper there.
Rooster Money
Rooster Money came into perfect action with the boys over the holiday as they wanted all sorts. Pirate jewellery, beach games etc. If they wanted it, we looked at their Rooster app balance and took the amount from there. Their nanny Eve in Taunton gave them £5 each so that was added to their Rooster balance. It’s such a great app that can keep track of the boy’s money. Dylan is saving for football boots and has £100. Josh spends as soon as he gets money. He has nothing left after the holiday!! Jack is somewhere in the middle who is just about getting the value of money at the age of 5.
Mindful Living Show
More to come on this later this week where I will share my most favourite products that I discovered. I love going to shows like this where I learn so much, and come out a better, more informed person. I love chatting to people whom have set up their own businesses doing something that they are passionate about. If you want a sneaky peak at what I found, look at my Instagram.
Monday Money – The Rules
We are really excited that you want to join in, but we do have some rules for taking part in the Monday Money linky.
- Your blog post must have been published within the past 365 days.
- It must related to money in some way.
- You must include a link back to all of your hosts within the blog post you are linking up – you will find the HTML below.
- Please visit other bloggers participating in the linky – if you would like to leave a comment then that’s great too. We would ask that you visit a minimum of 3 different blog posts within the linky.
- Copy and paste the following onto your blog post:
I am taking part in the Monday Money linky with Lynn from Mrs Mummy Penny, Faith from Much More With Less and Emma from EmmaDrew.Info
2 Responses
£2.50 for an ice cream … i better have been cornish ice cream and not just a mr whippy 😉 #moneymonday
It was clotted cream handmade lovliness!