Monday Money #125 – I have a teenager

Its a big week in this house with a teenager! I’m really not sure how that happened, time goes so fast, my eldest son DJ is now 13. We celebrated in the only way we could in lockdown with a long walk to the woods and park and a visit to his food takeaway of choice, Subway!

I was going to restart my lockdown diaries for this lockdown, but it feels different, not really that blog post worthy. Not the same as the first one. Going out at the weekend was busy, the park was packed, there were loads of people in our local woods. Spending was pretty normal on birthday pizza and Subway and a big Aldi shop.

What do you think of the birthday cake I made? I bought £4 worth of sweeties from Aldi and created this sweetie cake for DJ. He preferred it to actual cake and it was only £4!

Plum Auto-Savings are building

I reconnected my Plum savings to my bank account last week, as its based on Open Banking the connections need to be refreshed every three months. This is my auto-saving where I am putting money aside for Christmas presents. It is all done for me and my money is held safely in the app and i can access it immediately. I now have £240 stashed away which will pay for a nice chunk of Christmas. Ive not yet started my Christmas shopping so still have a bit more time for this balance to grow.

If you would like to set up an auto-save account with Plum and put money aside without you noticing you can set up an account here.

Bulk Order for my BOOK!

I have just processed a huge bulk order of my book ‘The Money Guide to Transform Your Life’ for 50 copies. These go to a company where I am also doing a financial wellbeing talk to their staff. I cant wait to share my guidance and am so grateful for the book order. If your company would be interested in me doing this via webinar then please get in touch, my email is

Accepting that its okay to relax

I have talked a lot to friends this week about annual cycles and when its the time to go full pelt with life and business and when its time to calm it down. It feels now like the right time to relax and not worry too much about all the extra things that I could do. I had such a busy March through to September that I am allowed this time to breathe. Of course I continue with Mrs Mummypenny work for clients, but there is nothing big like a book or a re-brand on the horizon! 2020 has been a huge year for Mrs Mummypenny.

Savings on my Car Insurance

One big saving I make whilst on lockdown is on petrol and car insurance. There has been no driving anywhere for a week and if I dont drive I dont pay any car insurance. I have set up pay-as-you-go insurance and pay 3p per mile. The initial upfront payment was £170ish at the beginning of the car tax year and then pay for the miles I do each month. I love it, its a new way to pay for car insurance and if you don’t drive many miles it will save you a fortune! My renewal quote was £400 BTW! Find out more about By Miles here.

Cheap and Lovely Aldi Wine

I have to shout out the Aldi Beachfront wine. There are a few varieties including Moscato and Grenache. I have tried them all and they are so lovely and SO cheap!! The bottles are £4 of really nice wine, perfect to sip away during lockdown number 2.

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Lynn Beattie

Aka Mrs MummyPenny

Personal Finance Expert

I write about personal finance made simple, lifestyle choices that will save you time and money, as well as products and services that offer great value.

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One Response

  1. It’s very important to teach your teenager financial literacy from the very beginning, and the period when he is in college is ideal for this. As in academics and finance, your teen should be taught how to prioritize. It will be a plus to instill the skill of making money because you can reward your child for good grades in college.

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