My Healthy Body and Mind Progress Update #2

My Healthy Body and Mind Progress Update #2

My aged 40 healthy body and mind regime properly started at the beginning of June. The mission began with this post, photos, measurements and an admission of self-loathing of my body. It struck a chord with a lot of people who have messaged me or mentioned it on the street. Now those same people are telling how good I look as my body starts to change. Keep saying it peeps, every nice comment knocks a tiny bit at that hag in my head telling me about my fat tummy or fat bingo wings. You can tell I am not quite there yet!

This is me. In a bikini. In the freezing Frinton sea on Sunday. This is a very big deal of a picture for me to post but I want to share with my followers the reality of a 40 year old 11 stone body. My weight has fluctuated my whole life from 16 stone to my now stable 11ish stone. I am working with a personal trainer, post coming later this week. I want to tone up and make the most of what I’ve got. Kane is helping me with nutrician, toning, fitness planning and mental fitness. I’m excited about the journey. . . . . . #fitness #personaltraining #nobullfitness #seaswimming #freezingsea #frinton #essex #postbabybody #40yearoldbody #what11stonelookslike #11stone #size10 #size12 #bikini #halterneck #instasummer #eatclean #toneup #fitfor40 #fitforty #swimming #prada #pradasunglasses

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Training Sessions

I have now had four sessions with Kane, with varying degrees of pain. The last session was last Saturday at 8am, the morning after a few Pimm’s the night before. A dose of milk thistle and a nutritious fruit, veg an ginger smoothie did the trick to give me energy, more healthy options here. Dylan came along too. He had us rowing (I won), lunging and squatting (Dylan won), hill running (just awful, Dylan thrashed me) and then dead lifts (I was much better at lifting, Ilifted maybe 32kg).

The other sessions are always a mixture of working different parts of the body. There has been pulls ups, chin ups, strange stomach crunches (after which I ached for 5 days!), lots of rowing, lots of hills runs, lots of work with weights, bar and dumbbells. My body is changing, I am looking forward to remeasuring my body one month after the first time.

Other Exercise that is Free

I am ‘meant’ to be doing two other exercise sessions a week. But realistically I am doing one other formal one. I do a Pilates or Yoga session from YouTube. Channels like Psyche Truth are good.

I am also meant to be going for a run or a bike ride as well. But my current problem is that I ache for about 4 days after each PT session, making a run quite a challenge. I have been for a couple of runs sine starting the regime and my 5km times are impressive. So I do either a run or a yoga/pilates session.


Since starting personal training with Kane I have been sending pictures of everything I eat via WhatsApp messages. I am aware of a few things: –

  • I am not drinking enough water
  • I am not eating my 5-7 fruit/veg a day
  • I am eating too much red meat
  • I am drinking too much alcohol
  • I have a thing for crisps

But on a positive

  • My gluten/bread consumption is very low
  • I eat very little dairy
  • I love my fish
  • I start each day with a hot water and lemon
  • I only drink one coffee a day
  • I eat very few takeaways
  • I eat less than 2000 calories per day (but mainly because I miss out meals)

healthy body and mind

This week our session is going to be nutrition focussed. I know what I am doing wrong and am prepared for a little telling off.

Healthy mind

I am working hard to battle the demons in my head that always tell me about my fat tummy. I had a styling session with my friend Clare and she found me the most beautiful clothes from H&M which make me look fabulous and slim! I can look at pictures of myself and see that I look good. Pictures of me in a bikini or underwear are a struggle to look at. Although it doesn’t stop me wearing them, especially in this heat.

Getting new bras fitted also helped with my mindset, the new bras give me such a great shape and again make me look slimmer.

I have also been doing an online PR from the heart course, all about finding your business purpose from the heart rather than the head. Its helping me greatly to focus on the right things form Mrs Mummypenny and it’s also impacting my personal life and making me challenge everything I do and say. Is it from the heart or the head? I am being grateful and authentic at all times whoever I am talking to or what I am doing.

healthy body and mind


More to explore


Lynn Beattie

Aka Mrs MummyPenny

Personal Finance Expert

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7 Responses

    1. Its really helping and I had a whole hour today talking about nutrician and the tweaks I need to make. The good news. Im allowed gin

  1. Well done mrs!

    I also drink too much wine and not enough alcohol!

    however you are inspiring me!!!

    (and it is currently too early for wine)

    1. Thanks Jane…did you mean not enough water??!!! Bit early at 9:23. Although if in the airport..its fine;-)

  2. Thank you for sharing your experience. For me personally, nutrition is the most important component of your results in the future. After all, this is how you are filled with useful vitamins, which directly affects your health and body. Supplements are now also very popular, it is really important to choose a quality manufacturer, I advise you to learn more about this supplement manufacturing

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