How to deal with a weak bladder with Tena at the Savoy

How to deal with a weak bladder?

A recent trip to the trampoline park prompted much discussion of a weak bladder on my Facebook page. I spent 30 minutes bouncing around had a wonderful time but had a slight panic about weeing. Half way through I must have lost control momentarily and had a wee moment. A little embarrassing as I was wearing pink leggings where it would have shown obviously! I quickly engaged core, dashed to loo and sorted out the situation.  A few people admitted similar experiences on my Facebook page when I posted a picture at the trampoline park. Situations like exercise, nights out drinking and lots of laughing mean loss of control and a wee moment.  So here’s a post on how to deal with a weak bladder…

How to deal with a weak bladder with Tena at the Savoy

A few facts for you

  • Up to half (47%) of women experience bladder weakness
  • 17% of women have confessed that the fear of bladder weakness stops them wearing their favourite underwear 13-10-16-weak-bladder-dr-hilary
  • 46% said they would like to see the topic of bladder weakness discussed more openly in public

These facts were supplied by Tena at a wonderful event at the Savoy in London where we got to try something new.
Something new was making chocolate with the head pastry chef from Savoy, Ludwig. We sipped champagne, ate lovely canapes and chatted to Dr. Hilary of Good Morning Britain fame about all sorts. A really lovely man who you would be super lucky to have as a GP.

He is part of the Tena campaign to spread the word and get people talking about it and spreading awareness about the product that help people to cope with their bladder weakness from Tena Light pads up to Tena pants. He is also passionate about bladder weakness for men as well. Alas it’s not just ladies it affects.




Making Chocolate

We learnt from Ludwig how to temper chocolate, how to make truffle chocolate, how to make a chocolate flower and chocolate discs. We ate A LOT of chocolate. Emma from Mums savvy savings was there as well and she filmed this great video of us failing at our chocolate flower. Listen out for Dr. Hilary telling us we might be better off buying a Galaxy.


Bladder Weakness

Bladder weakness is an extremely common issue particularly after pregnancy and/or being overweight. IN fact its more common than hay fever! Who remembers the NCT class or chat with the midwife telling you how important it is to do your pelvic floor exercises? And how many of you did it and how many of you are reading this post now doing your pelvic floor exercises?!

I know the extreme weight of pregnancy particularly with Josh, my 2nd biggest baby caused much bladder weakness during and after pregnancy. But once I had managed to recover from the birth and lose some of the weight I was able to improve the weakness.

Things to Help

There are lots of things you can do now to improve your pelvic muscles before they start to lose their strengths or improve weaker muscles, here are a few suggestions starting with my personal favourite

  • Pilates – a great low impact core set of exercises which create an incredibly strong stomach and core. I have doing Pilates once a week since January and have noticed a huge difference in my pelvic control.
  • Drink water. You might think that drinking water will make the issue worse but the concentrated, not enough water, wee will weaken your muscles.
  • Lose some weight. The increased pressure from extra weight will put more pressure on your pelvic floor. This could be the motivation you need to shed some weight.

There is a wealth of information that can be found on the Tena website which can be found here.

This post is unpaid, however, I did receive the chocolate experience at the Savoy free of charge along with my travel expenses.



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Lynn Beattie

Aka Mrs MummyPenny

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